Thursday, February 17, 2011

Chapter 2-Pathogens

It's been an interesting week in the GreenClean house hold. We've been busy, sick and...warm? With an unusually cold winter and snow fall last week, imagine our surprise when the temps hit 70 this week. It's no wonder there are so many sick people running around town.

  With all of this weather change and illness running wild I got to thinking about pathogens and how most people don't know what I mean when I say GreenClean offers allergen & pathogen control . Most people already know what allergens are, they are the things that make you sneeze, cough, drip and ache. Most people also know what cause their allergeies to act up, pollen, pet dander and dust mites are the most common non-food related allergens. However, when I say "pathogen" most people look at me with a blank stare. You already know what pathogens just don't know you already know it. Pathogens are disease causing organisms that cause damage or illness to their host. You know them as "the flu" ,"Staph infection" , "Strep throat"... got it? Good. Pathogens are all the things that cause us to get sick. Mold and fungus are also considered to be pathogens. These little guys find there way into our bodies by attaching themselves to frequently used surfaces such as; bathtubs, counter tops, floors, appliances, door handles....even hand shakes and hugs help to transfer pathogens. Washing your hands frequently is the best way to cut down on your chances of person to person transfer but sanitization is the only way to achieve coverage at home and the work place.

  Most common cleaners/sanitizers that utilize chemicals to clean require up to 5 minutes of exposure to properly rid a surface of illness causing pathogens. The two best methods for sanitizing surfaces are steam vapor and ultra violet light. Steam uses high temp. water vapor to not only clear debris but also to sanitize saurfaces in about 4 seconds. Like wise, ultra violet light can rid surfaces of up to 99.97% of all allergens and pathogens in about the same time. There's an added advantage to using these alternative methods of sanitization....are you ready? can clean below the surface AND there is no odor left behind like when using chemica based cleaners. Steam vapor and UV-C (ultra violet light) can penetrate below the surface of items such as matresses, pillows, carpet, couches, stone and wood. Imagine a home that isn't covered with chemicals or allergens....or pathogens. It's possible :)

GreenClean uses both steam vapor and UV-C in all of our allergen and pathogen control services.
The next time you're using a chemical cleaner, read the instruction and see what the recommended expose time is, then see if you can find a list of contents. Steam vapor is made from tap water and heat and UV-C is light, no chemical residue left behind...period. A clean home is a healthy home and removing allergens and pathogens is an important part of keeping your personal area safe but it's just as important to do so safely and effectively.

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